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February 18, 2025

Why Hiring a Lawyer Who Goes to Court Could Be the Best Decision After an Accident

Why Hiring a Lawyer Who Goes to Court Could Be the Best Decision After an Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident or suffered a personal injury, you might find yourself asking, “What sets one lawyer apart from another? Does it even matter?” It really does. The truth is, some lawyers shy away from the courtroom, avoiding the battle altogether. They take the easy road, chasing settlements that come quickly, not those that are just. 

However, the fight for what you’re owed often demands something more: the courage to step into the arena, to face uncertainty head-on. It’s in that willingness to stand and fight where the real difference lies.

(1) The Importance of a Litigating Attorney

When it comes to personal injury cases, having an attorney who knows their way around the courtroom isn’t just helpful—it’s essential. Insurance companies aren’t in the business of handing out fair settlements unless they’re forced to take you seriously.

The reality is, until you file a lawsuit, the insurance company won’t look closely at your case. They won’t see the depth of your injuries or the weight of what you’ve endured. But the moment you serve that lawsuit, everything changes. The process begins—depositions, mediations, meetings with a judge. It compels them to confront the details, to reckon with what really happened and what it will take to set things right.

Without a lawyer willing to go to court, you're already at a disadvantage. You need someone who knows how to file a lawsuit and has the experience and resources to follow through. That’s how you make sure you’re not outmatched by the big insurance companies. In the end, it’s about evening the odds and ensuring you don’t settle for less than what you deserve.

(2) How the Court Process Works: What to Expect in Litigation

How the Court Process Works: What to Expect in Litigation

When people hear the word “lawsuit,” it can feel overwhelming, but the truth is, the process isn’t as intimidating as it seems when you have the right attorney by your side. At our firm, we break it all down for you, step by step, so you always know what’s happening and what to expect.

  • It starts with filing the lawsuit. That’s when we formally notify the person responsible for your injury, and it sends a simple, undeniable message to the insurance company: We’re not backing down until you get what you’re owed. 

  • From there, the case moves into what’s called discovery. This is where the real work begins. We take depositions , where we sit down with the other parties involved and ask them detailed questions about the incident. You’ll also have the chance to tell your story in a deposition, and we’ll make sure you’re fully prepared for it.

  • Next, there are mediations. This is where both sides come together with a neutral mediator to see if we can reach a fair resolution before heading to trial. It’s not about backing down; it’s about exploring every opportunity to settle on your terms. 

  • If the case still doesn’t resolve, we go to hearings with a judge, presenting evidence and arguing on your behalf.

Through it all, our purpose goes beyond simply fighting the case—it’s about making sure you’re truly seen, truly heard. Representation isn’t just a matter of process; it’s a matter of dignity. We’ve walked this path many times before, navigating the examinations, the arguments, and the relentless machinery of the courtroom. It’s a weight we carry so you don’t have to, leaving you free to focus on what matters most—piecing yourself back together.

(3) Why Some Lawyers Avoid Litigation and What It Means for You

Not all attorneys are built the same, and unfortunately, some avoid litigation entirely. They might tell you they’ll handle your case, but when things get tough—when the insurance company refuses to pay what’s fair—they’re quick to push for a settlement. Why? Because filing a lawsuit takes time, money, and experience, and not every lawyer is ready to make that commitment.

Some attorneys will even refer your case out to another firm once it’s clear that a lawsuit is necessary. The problem with that? They’re financially incentivized to settle before it ever gets to that point. That means they may accept a lowball offer just to avoid the effort of filing and litigating. If an attorney is more focused on their convenience than your compensation, they’re not the right one for you.

At our firm, we don’t take the easy way out. We believe your case is worth the effort, the time, and the fight it takes to seek what’s truly fair. Because if your lawyer isn’t ready to take that stand, can you really trust them to fight for you at all?

(4) What to Ask Your Lawyer Before Hiring Them

What to Ask Your Lawyer Before Hiring Them

Choosing the right attorney after a car accident or personal injury can feel overwhelming, but there’s one question that can cut through the noise: “What happens if my case doesn’t settle? Will you take it to court?” The answer you get can tell you everything about whether this attorney is the right fit for you.

Don’t be afraid to ask specifics. “Do you file lawsuits? How often? What’s your strategy when the insurance company lowballs my claim?” Their answer will tell you everything you need to know about their readiness to fight for you. A confident attorney will explain their process—how they handle lawsuits, what steps they’ll take, and how they’ll stand up to big insurance companies on your behalf.

The bottom line? Don’t settle for vague promises or excuses. An attorney who’s serious about your case will have a clear answer and a plan to get you the compensation. At our firm, we’re upfront about our commitment to fight for you—whether that means settling your case or taking it all the way to court.

Don’t Wait – Carter Injury Law Will Fight for What You Deserve

The choice of a lawyer in your personal injury case isn’t a small thing—it’s everything. The right lawyer isn’t just your representative; they’re your voice when no one else will listen, the one who ensures your story is told and your rights are defended.

You deserve more than a compromise, more than silence. Don’t gamble with what’s ahead. Call us today for a free consultation. Let’s talk, face-to-face, about where you stand, where you could go, and how we’ll walk that road together.